As of December 31, 2021, the number of Syrians under temporary protection registered in Turkey decreased by 633 people compared to the previous month, making a total of 3 million 737 thousand 369 people. 1 million 771 thousand 353 (47.4%) of these people are children between the ages of 0-18. The sum of children and women aged 0-18 is 2 million 647 thousand 232. In the last 1 year, the number of registered Syrians in Turkey increased by 95 thousand 999.
Age Range | Male | Female | TOTAL |
0-4 | 264.347 | 246.770 | 511.117 |
5-9 | 294.583 | 276.673 | 571.256 |
10-14 | 221.408 | 207.994 | 429.402 |
15-18 | 139.826 | 119.752 | 259.578 |
19-24 | 287.169 | 216.350 | 503.519 |
25-29 | 223.898 | 162.492 | 386.390 |
30-34 | 168.839 | 122.538 | 291.377 |
35-39 | 126.687 | 99.212 | 225.899 |
40-44 | 86.570 | 75.476 | 162.046 |
45-49 | 58.679 | 57.367 | 116.046 |
50-54 | 46.550 | 45.404 | 91.954 |
55-59 | 35.419 | 35.472 | 70.891 |
60-64 | 23.349 | 24.110 | 47.459 |
65-69 | 15.209 | 16.056 | 31.265 |
70-74 | 8.987 | 9.900 | 18.887 |
75+ | 8.781 | 11.502 | 20.283 |
TOTAL | 2.010.301 | 1.727.068 | 3.737.369 |
70.8% of Syrians are Women and Children
According to the age range table published by the Directorate General of Migration Management, Syrian men make up 53.8% of the total number of Syrians. The percentage of Syrian women is 46.2%. The number of Syrians under the age of 10 is 1 million 82 thousand 373 (29%). According to the table, the number of Syrian men is 283 thousand 233 people more than the number of Syrian women. The biggest difference between the number of men and women is between the ages of 19-24 with 70 thousand 819 people. This difference decreases as the age range increases. It is seen that the number of women in the age range over 55 is more than men.
The Percentage of the Syrian Youth Population
There are 763 thousand 97 people between the ages of 15-24, who are defined as the young population. The proportion of the young Syrian population in the total number of Syrians is 20.4%.
The Average Age of Syrians
According to the age table, the average age of registered Syrians is 22.2
The Number of Syrians Living in Camps (Temporary Refugee Center)
As of December 31, 2021, the number of Syrians staying in temporary housing centers was announced as 51,471 people. This number was 51 thousand 677 people last month (November 25, 2021), 58 thousand 752 people at the beginning of 2021, 63 thousand 247 people at the beginning of 2020, 143 thousand 558 people at the beginning of 2019, and 228 thousand 251 people at the beginning of 2018. Only 1.4% of Syrians live in camps.
The Number of Syrians Living in Cities
As of December 31, 2021, the number of Syrians living in cities was announced as 3 million 685 thousand 328 people. The number of Syrians living in cities decreased by one thousand 27 people compared to last month. 98.6% of Syrians live in cities.
The Number of Syrians by City
According to the data of the Directorate General of Migration Management dated December 31, 2021, the 30 cities where the most Syrians live and the number of Syrians in these cities are listed in the following table:
* there is a Temporary Refugee Center in the provinces marked with *.
-NO- | City | Number of Syrians |
1 | İstanbul | 534.223 |
2 | Gaziantep | 460.690 |
3 | *Hatay | 435.678 |
4 | Şanlıurfa | 427.701 |
5 | *Adana | 255.943 |
6 | Mersin | 238.461 |
7 | Bursa | 183.337 |
8 | İzmir | 149.700 |
9 | Konya | 122.743 |
10 | *Kilis | 106.800 |
11 | Ankara | 101.858 |
12 | *Kahramanmaraş | 95.610 |
13 | Mardin | 91.455 |
14 | Kayseri | 82.740 |
15 | Kocaeli | 56.244 |
16 | *Osmaniye | 44.083 |
17 | Malatya | 31.871 |
18 | Diyarbakır | 24.210 |
19 | Adıyaman | 22.916 |
20 | Batman | 15.919 |
21 | Sakarya | 15.743 |
22 | Şırnak | 14.914 |
23 | Manisa | 14.200 |
24 | Denizli | 14.005 |
25 | Nevşehir | 13.155 |
26 | Elazığ | 12.963 |
27 | Tekirdağ | 12.500 |
28 | Afyonkarahisar | 12.424 |
29 | Muğla | 11.506 |
30 | Burdur | 8.548 |
. | . | . |
. | . | . |
40 | Bolu | 4.429 |
. | . | . |
. | . | . |
77 | Erzincan | 132 |
78 | Iğdır | 77 |
79 | Artvin | 60 |
80 | Tunceli | 43 |
81 | Bayburt | 34 |
The Cities with the Highest Concentration of Syrians
The city with the most Syrians is Istanbul with 534 thousand 223 people. Istanbul is followed by Gaziantep with 460 thousand 690 people and Hatay with 435 thousand 678 people. The city where Syrians are most concentrated compared to the local population is Kilis with 42.8%. There are 142 thousand 792 Turkish citizens and 106 thousand 800 Syrians registered in Kilis. Kilis is followed by Hatay with 20.8% of the Syrian population.
The Cities with the Least Population of Syrians
The city with the lowest number of Syrians is Bayburt with 34 people. Bayburt is followed by Tunceli with 43 people and Artvin with 60 people. The city with the least density of Syrians compared to the Turkish population is Bayburt with a rate of 0.04%. There is no city in Turkey where there are no Syrians.
The Ratio of Syrians to the Turkish Population
The proportion of registered Syrians under temporary protection to the Turkish population is 4.28% nationwide. The population of Turkey was last announced as 83 million 614 thousand 362 by the TÜİK. (As of December 31, 2020)
*The following data consists of data that are disclosed irregularly by official institutions and relevant ministries.
Number of Syrians Returning to Their Country
In the statement made by Deputy Minister of Interior İsmail Çataklı on November 3, 2021, it was announced that the number of Syrians returning to their country is 469 thousand 170. This number was last announced on September 15, 2021, and it was stated that the number of Syrians returning to their country was 462 thousand and 26. On December 6, 2020, this number was announced as 419 thousand and 40. According to the figures announced, it can be said that the number of Syrians who returned to their country in the last year is 50 thousand 130 people.
The Number of Syrian Students Studying at Public Universities
In a statement made by the Ministry of National Education in June 2021, it was stated that the number of Syrian students studying at universities in the 2021-2022 academic year was 48,192.
The Number of Syrian Students Studying in Kindergarten, Primary School, Middle School, and High School
On June 8, 2021, the Ministry of National Education announced that 35,707 students were enrolled in kindergarten, 442,817 in elementary school, 348,638 in middle school, and 110,976 in high school. In total, 771 thousand 428 children continue their educational life. There are 432,956 children of educational age who do not attend school.
Number of Syrians Granted Work Permits
The Ministry of Labor and Social Security announced on March 31, 2019, that the number of Syrians granted work permits in Turkey is 31,185 people.
Number of Companies with At Least One Partner Who is Syrian
In the statement made by the Ministry of Commerce, it was stated that as of February 26, 2019, the number of companies with at least one partner of Syrian origin was 15,159.
Number of Syrians Granted Turkish Citizenship
In a statement made by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it was stated that the number of Syrians granted Turkish citizenship is 110 thousand. Of these people, 53 thousand are adults, and 57 thousand are children. (As of December 30, 2019)
Number of Syrians Born in Turkey
On September 19, 2019, Minister for Internal Affairs Süleyman Soylu stated that the number of Syrian babies born in Turkey is around 450 thousand.
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*We examined 18 unfounded allegations on social media about Syrians. Click here to access the page of Common Misconceptions prepared by the Refugee Association…
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