- Providing capacity building trainings,
- Creation of a mentoring program for University and High school students,
- Creating a career map by providing necessary guidance and career coaching for the NEET group in addition to university and high school students,
- Providing skills training on various topics such as character analysis, communication, corporate life, conflict resolution and business psychology,
- Creation of platforms to facilitate cooperation with the Turkish Employment Agency, universities, chambers, associations, private sector representatives and other relevant stakeholders.
- Providing business development and entrepreneurship training in different fields such as project cycle management, entrepreneurship, design thinking, and marketing through academicians and experts,
- Support of Social Entrepreneurship activities,
- Supporting cooperatives and similar initiatives by providing legal, financial and technical trainings, providing basic supplies and equipment, and establishing links with the private sector and other networks
- Advising beneficiaries on opportunities to access the labor market and livelihoods in Turkey,
- Directing participants to job opportunities such as the Turkish Employment Agency, public education centers, non-governmental organizations, and other relevant actors offering appropriate job opportunities support;
- Provision of vocational training in cooperation with public education centers;
- Providing information on how to obtain certificates issued by the Professional Qualification Institution and facilitating the certification processes of beneficiaries.