We aim to strengthen individual capacity and expand participatory protection activities…

What is Society Focused Protection?

Community-based protection means cooperation with different communities based on individual capacity, representation, rights and human dignity for all areas of activity carried out under the umbrella of the association. It is a process of identifying the strengths, areas of competence and resources of different audiences and using all of this to improve their capacities.

On this basis, activities are carried out to strengthen the existing capacity of communities and improve two-way communication to encourage voluntary participation. Developed community networks, inter-refugee support groups, commissions, and refugee-led community engagement-based activities make significant contributions to protecting and supporting communities and strengthening social cohesion with the host community.


Why Rights and Community Based Approach?

To support and strengthen the capacities and autonomy of individuals and communities,

To promote respect for rights and accountability within the institutional structure,

To support the dissemination of age, gender, and diversity-oriented approaches,

To increase the capacity and efficiency of the institution,

We advocate a right and community-based approach to developing sustainable solutions and methods.


Council of Refugees:It is an organization that supports the dissemination of correct information through their own channels where refugees can express their feelings and thoughts in the face of events on the national and international agenda, identify the problems they experience and develop solutions, make suggestions and opinions to increase the activities and service quality of the Refugees Association, determines the areas where they have knowledge and skills, encourages them to transfer this knowledge to their work areas and aims at the sustainability of all these mentioned above.

Children’s Assembly: It is a structure established to support refugee children aged 12-16 to look at their individual lives and social factors from a more critical perspective, to increase their self-confidence and self-expression skills, and to support their freedom of expression by increasing their demands and awareness of their rights, needs and responsibilities.

Solidarity groups are created according to the demands of the participants identified themes in the context of oriented solutions to the challenges of persons to produce unit employees to be able to offer alternative sources for solving problems, blocked together on the rights and aims to consider the mechanisms of access to them. Solidarity groups, which aim to support the community through determined focal persons while strengthening the individual, are diversified in the focus of need every year.

It includes information sessions that support refugees to be informed about the ways of accessing rights in basic protection areas and to disseminate their knowledge and experience through their own channels, and social cohesion-oriented awareness activities carried out with the participants on days considered important in the field of refugee, migration, humanitarian aid and human rights.

Needs analysis studies carried out within the scope of community-oriented conservation activities include focus group discussions and stakeholder meetings.