It is claimed that Syrians don’t pay for vehicle tests/controls on a news of website on 4th August 2020 and also it is shared at the same day by Ümit Özdağ(İstanbul Senator of İYİ Party) on the Twitter. After the news hit 8.000 retweet also 15.000 favs and it came up that it is fake news, Ümit Özdağ postet an apolgy on his Twitter account.
Re-Control Is Free For Everyone website claimed that Syrians can have free vehicle tests/controls on TÜVTÜRK’s test stations by showing a report which is writen Re-Control on its upper left side like it belongs to a Syrian as a source. But the truth is, re-control tests are free for everyone on TÜVTÜRK’s test stations. It is given a repair chance as maximum 1 month for just once to all vehicles which couldn’t pass tests because of big issues. In this maximum period, the owner of vehicle don’t pay if he/she repairs vehicle’s problems and take a new appointment. this situation named re-control is free for every vehicle owner. It is written on upper left side of reports that is a new control or re-control. And the control fee is written as 0(zero) because it is a re-control.
TÜVTÜRK: There Is No Free Control For Syrians
It is stated on the announcement that TÜVTÜRK made in Turkish language that; only the vehicles which is registered as private will be tested, what are the necessary documents for control, the things must be complated before going to control station and things to do after coming to station. The vehicle in the report which was used in the fake news is registered in Sakarya as MA(Guest). MA registered vehicles don’t mean “Syrian vehicles”. The licence plate of Syrian vehicles are in Arabic language, not in Latina Alphabet. Syrian vehicles must change their licance plates in Latina Alphabet when they get into Turkey border. It is necessary making the tests and register the vehicle to use that vehicle in the traffic. For control, traffic insurance is necessary as in the announcement:
Content Hasn’t Been Deleted Even They Are False
We called the communication line which is wtitten on website to talk to website’s Editor in Chief Aycan Şap who made the news. Then we called the Technical Officer and Advertisement Manager Gökhan Türkmenoğlu because the person who open our call before said “this is not the correct number”. He said to us that they have spoken with TÜVTÜRK and learnt that there is no free control and also they informed the person who made the news. The fake news still continues to spread between people because it is still online both on website and Ümit Özdağ’s Twitter account although it came up that it is fake news and Özdağ posted an apolgy text from his account.
Things We Have Learnt From TÜVTÜRK’s Annoucement:
- Every vehicle which is going to be in traffic must do the tests and it doesn’t matter if their plate is MA or they came from Syria or the owner is Syrian.
- Syrians are taking appointment number and wait their turn like everyone.
- Syrians are paying control fee like everyone.
- Syrians must have traffic insurance like everyone.
- Syrians must pay taxes for their vehicles like everyone.