Yusuf’s Walk Improves

Yusuf’s family, who applied to the Rehabilitation Unit in our association, supports the treatment of their beloved 11-year-old sons.

Yusuf, who was uncomfortable with his leg, felt severe pain in his leg while wearing normal shoes and had to use slippers because he could not move his leg properly with the shoes. He had to be treated for a while to fix the problems in his leg. Yusuf had not received regular treatment before. The sessions of Yusuf, whose condition was evaluated and treated after his family applied to the Refugee Association’s Physical Therapy Center, gave positive results.

An iron door fell on Yusuf’s leg when he was only 2 years old during the bombardment in Syria. Concerned for Yusuf’s health, his family could not find a treatment opportunity in Syria. But the family followed his treatment after he came to Turkey. During this time, Yusuf, who had many operations, had difficulty in moving his leg down from the knee, as well as in lifting his feet.

The orthopedic doctor, who followed up the process told Yusuf that because he had pain below the knee, his nerve recovery was good and that he needed to start physiotherapy treatment.

Yusuf’s Situation Is Getting Better

According to the assessment of Yusuf’s condition, It was noted that he had difficulty in walking, could not move his fingers, occasionally tripped and fell, and had severe pain. Since Yusuf could not walk with shoes, he had difficulty walking with flip-flops in summer and winter. As of the beginning of August, he started to receive physical therapy, two sessions a week, at the Physical Therapy Center, which operates under the support of BPRM and in partnership with Relief International in Refugees Association. At the end of the fourth session, Yusuf’s pain in his leg began to decrease. After a while, Yusuf started to wear sports shoes. The orthosis, which will help him lift his foot and balance himself, was delivered to him at the end of September. With the orthotic support Yusuf received, a normal walking pattern is now applied.

Yusuf’s New Goal

After the support of Yusuf, whose legs were damaged by the bombardment when he was two years old, his new goal is to raise his feet even more and walk without an orthosis. Dreaming of wearing sneakers, Yusuf’s walking will soon be more controlled.

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*Conscience International is an international charity active in humanitarian aid in Africa, Southeast Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East.