7-year-old Rağad El-Hüseyin, who has congenital Spina Bifida* and has difficulty walking, received treatment for 4 years by benefiting from the services provided at the Refugee Association Physical Therapy Center. Now she can walk with support.
Learning from their environment that they can be provided with physiotherapy service in Refugees Association, El-Hüseyin’s family applied to the Physical Rehabilitation unit of the association 4 years ago for their daughters who had difficulty getting out of bed due to the disease known as Spina Bifida. According to El-Hüseyin’s physiotherapist, who has been following her ongoing treatment since 2017, her condition is improving day by day; she has started to move her legs and is able to walk with the help of a walker.
After a long and gradual treatment, it was decided that there was no obstacle for El-Hüseyin, whose muscles improved, to go to school. Rağad, who has just started school in the new period, is taken to school by his father in a wheelchair. Her treatment is still ongoing and monthly check-ups are carried out so that she can walk without support.
Her Physiotherapist Explains Her Situation Like This:
“Before her application in 2017, Rağad could not move her body and could only lie down in her bed. Therefore, we started the physiotherapy process. For a quick recovery, we started with 2-3 sessions a week and gradually brought the sessions down to the normal track. We are very happy that El-Hüseyin started school this year. She is in pretty good shape compared to when she first came in. In the beginning, she could not lift her legs or walk. Due to the physiotherapy sessions, her muscles got stronger and she was able to lift her legs. Our goal is to gradually process in her treatment and ensure that she can walk without support.”
During the days when the pandemic continued, El-Hüseyin’s treatment was continued on a regular basis online. It is planned that the treatment process will continue until the goal of walking without support is achieved. In this process, a session is held every month in order to check whether there is any discomfort related to the device inserted and to observe the progress.
Rağad’s father expressed that he was very happy to see his congenitally sick child is getting better day by day. Expressing that he is also happy to be able to send his daughter to school, the father said that he always prayed for Rağad to be able to walk alone without support and thanked the Refugees Association for the opportunities it provided.
*Spina Bifida: Spina bifida is a condition that affects the spine.
Spina bifida is a disease that occurs in the womb. In this anomaly, which occurs in the first month of pregnancy, the baby’s spine does not fully close while it is forming, and therefore it is also known as “Split spine disease” among the people. It is seen in 3 out of every 1000 babies in Turkey.
- Rağad Started School
- Rağad Started School
- Rağad Started School
- Rağad Started School
- Rağad Started School
- Rağad Started School
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*Conscience International is an international charity active in humanitarian aid in Africa, Southeast Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East.