US Bureau of Refugee and Migration Visited the Multeciler Centre

Representatives for United States of America Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration visited our centre on 20th of October. The visitors having been in Sultanbeyli and Multeciler Derneği has tried to get information for the structure of the centre, activities of it, beneficiaries served and Sultanbeyli district, where is located.

The Deputy Assistant Secretary of BPRM Mark Storella has leaded the committee, which also included Turkey Program Officer Allison Listerman and Istanbul Refugee Coordinator Jen Kelley. Relief International, which is an American based INGO, has also accompanied the committee and Country Director Andrea Patterson, Program Director Mustafa Karim and Program Manager Omar Handawi participated on behalf of Relief International.

After having information about the district and the organization, the committee has met with project coordinators and managers and shared their ideas about the activities. Continuing with a focus group session, committee have asked questions to the beneficiaries, who have been composed of two families and six individuals in total, later on the meeting about their narratives, challenges they face, objectives, and services they have being taken from Multeciler. The productive meeting has made it possible for the committee to understand and empathize with the current problems that refugees live in Turkey and capture the image of the Multeciler Derneği.

Multeciler will be continuing to provide the physiotherapy services and psychosocial support with partnership of Relief International and funding of BPRM and increase the density of the activities it has been performing.