Many services are provided to meet the needs of refugees at the Refugee Association Community Center. One of these services is our hospital appointment service that we provide to patients who want to go to the hospital but cannot make an appointment because they do not speak Turkish and cannot communicate with the doctor.
Taking A Hospital Appointment
Foreigners who want to make a hospital appointment come to our community center and explain their situation to the interpreter and according to the information given by this person, an appointment is made by selecting the appropriate polyclinic from the 182 Hospital Appointment number or from the website. We have free shuttle services for those who are disabled, elderly or pregnant who are not able to go to the hospital on the day of their appointment.
Free Translator Support
Patients who go to the hospital with a free shuttle service in the company of interpreters make the necessary registration procedures here and start the examination. Our translators, who come to the doctor with the patient, provide communication between the patient who do not speak Turkish and the doctor. Our translators stay with the patient until all procedures are completed. We also help patients at the point of taking medication.