As Refugee Association, we listen to you to improve our work. You can send any suggestions and criticisms about our association by using the form below:
Name And Surname Your Date Of Birth Your Gender —Please choose an option—FemaleMale Nationality TurkishSyrianAfghanIraqiIraniPakistaniOther – If Your Answer Is Other, Please Write Here The Date Of The Event Subject To The Complaint (Day/Month/Year) Can You Share Your Complaint Or Feedback? (*) Would you like the relevant team to return to you? YesNo If You Want Us To Return Back To You, Please Select Your Preferred Contact Type. Phone Number *Enter The Information Of Which Day And Time Interval You Prefer To Be Called. E-Mail Address Face To Face You can get information from our teammates in our centers. Follow Our Social Media Accounts: @multecilerorgtr Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Youtube (*This field is required)
Name And Surname
Your Date Of Birth
Your Gender —Please choose an option—FemaleMale
Nationality TurkishSyrianAfghanIraqiIraniPakistaniOther – If Your Answer Is Other, Please Write Here
The Date Of The Event Subject To The Complaint (Day/Month/Year)
Can You Share Your Complaint Or Feedback? (*)
Would you like the relevant team to return to you? YesNo
If You Want Us To Return Back To You, Please Select Your Preferred Contact Type. Phone Number *Enter The Information Of Which Day And Time Interval You Prefer To Be Called. E-Mail Address
Face To Face You can get information from our teammates in our centers.
Follow Our Social Media Accounts: @multecilerorgtr Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Youtube
(*This field is required)