How to make a donation?

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Since 2014, our association supports refugees at various areas especially such as education , health , shelter and employment .Donations have great importance additional to those supports .At community center in polyclinic 15 Syrian doctors work on refugees’ health problems.The refugees who want to learn Turkish and want to gain peofessional skills , attend lessons on the education floor of our building.Our social service provides refugees’ needs of shelter, food, clothes , furniture , nappies etc.Almost every day , many activities are organized for women and children who live a trauma after war.

Physically disabled refugees are treated by physiotherapists and psycologists at rehabilitation center both physically and mentally.For transportation of disabled people we provide vehicles and donate wheelchairs in case of need. Every hour of the day our interpreters provide help for Syrians who don’t know Turkish in order to ease their communication with community .At employment service we provide job to one who looks for job and provide employee who looks for employee.

At preprimary school and at temporary education center , thousands of Syrian children are prepared to make a new living .Our association supports children’s school issues ans education materials also.We always need your support to carry on our activities.

1.Online Donation With Credit Card
You can make online donation by clicking the DONATE button placed in main menu .When you choose the value you want to donate , the website directs you to the 3D secure donation page.This page is the page of bank and by no means the information you give on this page are registered.In order to give approval you have to enter password , sent to your cell phone as message , then your donation is taken successfully.

Online Donation Page

2.Donation With Electronic Money Transfer
You can use our association’s IBAN in order to make cash donation.

Hesap Adı: Mülteciler ve Sığınmacılar Yardımlaşma ve Dayanışma Derneği
TL: TR29 0001 5001 5800 7303 0100 13
$ : TR38 0001 5001 5800 8015 1334 09
€ : TR45 0001 5001 5800 8015 1334 77